SEismic Risk evaluation through integrated use of Geographical Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence techniques


The regional scale: Toscana, Italy

Toscana is an important region in the Central part of Italy, with 287 municipalities including Firenze, which is the administrative and political centre.

At regional scale, public administrations need mainly maps showing those areas where the highest degree of damage is expected in case of an earthquake. Municipalities are the unit of study that has been considered within this scale. Therefore, values of risk given to the various settlements should not be considered per se, but only within a general frame to facilitate:

Risk maps were obtained following the probabilistic approach, while scenarios were produced defining a deterministic seismic input.

The vulnerability assessment was performed on residential buildings adopting a statistical approach developed for this purpose, and using data provided by the GNDT databank (more than 13,000 surveyed buildings). A sub-set of it was selected to obtain specific values for the Toscana region.



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SERGISAI - Contract Number: ENV4-CT96-0279 (DG 12 DTEE)

Project Coordinator: Gaetano Zonno

The ProjectThe PartnershipPrivateLink